
Showing posts from October, 2019

20 Other Things You Learn About Relationships When You’re Finally In A Good One

Love Is NOT This is  1.  If someone wants to be with you, they will be with you. 2.  If someone does not really want to be with you, they will test you. They will explore the depth of their feelings for you. They will try you on as a partner, without making it official. They will come up with excuses like “it’s just not the right time” when really, it’s that they just don’t feel the right way . 3.  It is never the right time until it is the right person. 4.  When it is the right person, you don’t think about things like " timing."  You only think about how you can reorient your life to this relationship, because nothing has seemed to matter more. 5.  Romance is common. It’s best friendship  on top of romance  that is rare, but makes for a happy, lifelong partnership. 6.  You don’t lose yourself in love unless you want to lose yourself in love. There’s an odd fear that people have of thinking they will have to be less themselves in order to accommodate